Watching it in slo-mo...
"Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita told reporters Sunday that leaked water in Unit 2 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant measured at 1,000 millisieverts per hour." -
U.S. nuke workers are allowed exposure of 50 mSv/year, or, 1/20th of what is being emitted each hour from water leaked from Reactor 2.
Therefore, U.S. nuke workers would be limited to total of 3 minutes of work per year in an environment this contaminated.
Because of the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant crisis, Japan's (far poorer) standard for nuke workers has been raised from 100 mSv/year to 250 mSv/year, so Japan's nuke workers should be allowed to work for no more than a total of 15 minutes per year in an environment this contaminated.
15 minutes to get in, work, get out will not allow much work to get done, and they will need to "burn through" a LOT of underpaid, poorly-trained, and ill-equipped temp workers to accomplish anything.
When will someone admit that a full-on catastrophe of Chernobyl-esque magnitude is unfolding?
Thanks for putting this chart up. It makes things much clearer than before.
I met someone recently, who was working in Japan, but came back home to India after the scare. He went back to Japan this week. So, things are not really that bad.
The Japanese are a wonderful bunch of people who have always been there for everyone else in trouble in the last few decades. I think it is our duty to help them in their hour of need in whatever way we can.
Very nice blog, and nice posts!
Thank you for your kind words, and for stopping by. (I also visited your blog, and very much enjoy your writing.)
I hope you are right about things in Japan, but mostly I just hope that everyone's help will be enough to get them through this terrible time.
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